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Executive Committee Members: Project for Change shall have the following officers: Chairperson or two Chairpersons, who will serve as President, a Vice Chairperson who will serve as Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional officers may be established as the board determines necessary.


Co-Presidents: Jacob Wiley, Open

Vice President: Open

Secretary: Ashley Charwood

Treasurer: Juanita Reopelle

Director Board Members: The Board shall consist of not less than three and not more than 15 and shall be representative of a broad cross-section of the community in the counties that it currently serves by Project for Change. The total membership of the board shall comply with the applicable provisions of federal law and state funding requirements and regulations

Board composition requirements are that 75% of all members shall self identify as Black or African American.
At least one board member must be a parent.
All members shall have their primary residence in Minnesota and/or attend an educational program within the state of Minnesota.


  1. Jeanine Wiley

  2. Kim Barsness

  3. Tyler Oppegaard-Peltier

  4. Ernest Joey Oppegaard-Peltier

  5.  Aylson Allen

  6.  David Frison





Board Committees:



Events: All, Subcommittees will be form


Grant Writing: Ashley, Juanita

School: Kim, Juanita, Alyson, 

Website and Social Media: Jacob, Tyler & Joey


The board from among its current membership, shall elect the officers of the board at its annual meeting. The officers shall be elected to a two year term, renewable twice for additional two-year term, and shall not exceed three consecutive years in the same office. The governance committee will propose a slate of officers. Nominations from the floor may also be made. Alternating years, co-presidents and secretary will be voted on alternating years of the vice chairperson and treasure.


Board of Director positions are volunteered unpaid positions, if your interested in a board position please apply below.  

Project For Change

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